Keswick's Theatre By The Lake is offering a varied mix of classic plays, new writing, festive family fun and a celebration of Cumbrian talent for this year's autumn and winter programme.
TBTL will turn 25 this summer and the theatre has big plans, which they will be announcing soon. Meanwhile, opening the autumn programme is Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (October 12-26), a co-production with Shakespeare North Playhouse and Graeae Theatre Company, performed by a professional ensemble of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent actors, weaving BSL, captions and audio descriptions into the storytelling.
In the theatre's studio, the premiere of Steel by local writer Lee Mattinson (October 3-19) comes prior to a community tour. Set in, and inspired by, growing up in Workington, Steel tells the story of two lads on a town-wide treasure hunt for a contract that could change everything.
Steel is the headline production for the TBTL’s inaugural new writing festival, CumbriaFest, which focuses on stories created in, and inspired by, the county. CumbriaFest showcases local theatre makers TBTL has supported since establishing Cumbrian Creatives, its artist development network.
The festival kicks off with The Dreamtime Fellrunner by Julie Carter (September 18-21), a poetic exploration of Julie's fellrunning life.
The main Christmas show will be an adaptation of The Jungle Book (November 15-January 15); while pre-schoolers and their families can enjoy Tinsel (December 10-28), the tale of a magical little boy who dreams of being the Christmas tree fairy.
The theatre also has a line-up of one-nighters – including Pam Ayres (September 24), and a Keswick Cricket Club fundraiser.
More info and tickets here